Monday, June 30, 2008

charity update & gloves

Well Almost there ....raised extra £70 in sponsorship - thanks from friend Barry and my Gran - so now I have raised £910 for Great Ormond Street childrens hospital and 200 euros for temple street childrens hospital - so the total raised is now £1060.

Today is last day of packing for trip - had a nice lunch at the thai terrace with Jon and Munch.

Jon says he can give lift to airport tomorrow - I could probably cycle but problem is I have to also take the box to pack the bike in - so driving up is only way. I Brought some disposable gloves today - SO that when I get bike ready at airport for plane journey I wont get covered in cycle oil.
Cycled a bit today - weather here is pretty nice and roads are flat - perhaps not really the best preparation for what I have heard is a hilly, cold & wet ireland ! still some cycling is better than none ...


Anonymous said...

'Cyled a bit today'

'Had thai curry for lunch'

'brought some gloves'

All sounds like wholehearted commando training leaving no room whatsover for any thoughts of perhaps could have of prepered more stenously or maybe forgotton about last year just a little tincy bit- into the breach

Anonymous said...

i said that

Pete (Mahy)

Anonymous said...

What is your route going to be?