Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 22 Dublin - Rest day and going home day

Well coolest hour that I have spent on trip has been the last one searching for a present for my little nephew ... found one at last. However It is rather technical so I am not sure if his Mum and Dad will have enough skills to work it all out!

Maybe I should write/design interactive book to tell my little nephew the story of my cycle trip(s) - that might be fun !

So now I have about 40 mins left in town then it is off to the airport where I will have to box and pack up the bike. Legs are a little tired today and it feels strange but ok not being out on the road by 7 am... Thighs seem a little bigger than when I started out and i need to do some walking to even out the leg muscle tone however - thanks to the gel shorts and gel saddle I dont think I can use Phils title of 'buns of steel' this year !

Hopefully my new Charity target amount will now be to try to collect 1143 pounds for Great Ormond Street Childrens Hospital and this is to match the number of miles I have cycled round ireland. So 100 pounds or so to collect and I could reach this target.

Green Dragon

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